Friday, December 5, 2014

Images from Feral Science at the Counihan Gallery, Brunswick

Installation detail (visible works Architectures 1-8, all watercolour on paper, 2014)

Installation detail (visible works from left to right - Seed of Seeds, Unreal Conditions, Border Crossings, Genetic Drift, all mixed media on board, 2014)

Installation detail (Panoptes 1-3, mixed media on board, 2014)

Installation detail (Border Crossings, mixed media on board, 2014)

Installation detail (Genetic Drift, mixed media on board, 2014)

Installation detail (Seed of Seeds, mixed media on board, 2014)

Installation detail (Unreal Conditions, mixed media on board, 2014)

Installation detail (visible works left to right Seed of Seeds, Unreal Conditions, Aristocrats of the Spirit, all mixed media on board, 2014)

Installation detail (Architectures 1&2, watercolour on paper, 2014)

Installation detail (Architectures 7&8, watercolour on paper, 2014)